Business Grants & Incentives

About this service

The Australian Government provides a range of business grants and incentives packages which fall into two broad categories:

Grants and incentives are generally available for key priority activities and sectors aligned with national and state priorities.

Despite this significant opportunity, accessing government grants can be challenging, particularly while trying to manage day-to-day business. Programs change rapidly and the identification of key opportunities that are important to your business requires knowledge, skills and experience.

Accorti Accountants + Advisors is experienced in identifying grants to which you may be eligible, application and documentation of business case or needs, and effectively liaising with the numerous federal and state government agencies and industry bodies to ensure you receive grant and incentive packages to which you are entitled.

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Here’s how we can help with grants + incentives

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Identifying grant opportunities for you

We can identify a range of grant opportunities, including grants, tax incentives and subsidised loans mapped to your current business and future plans. Our extensive grant database takes the legwork work out of finding funding opportunities that are a fit for purpose giving your business a competitive edge.

We apply simple, cut through strategies to help you and your business remain future focused and forward moving. We will assess your eligibility across potential various funding and support strategies and get you on track to secure the support that is best for you and your business.

Grant submissions are complex and time consuming. We take the hard work out of this for you by ensuring you meet the eligibility criteria, the application and supporting evidence are ordered, concise and intuitive, and your claims against the criteria are clearly articulated to enable simple assessment and an approval.

Like any part of your business, once you have secure funds, you generally have contractual obligations to your funding body. This can range from reporting requirements through to documenting project milestones and outcomes and acquitting how you administered funds. We provide an end-to-end grants administration that will ensure you receive, apply and acquit your funding to maximise the value to your business.

Looking for funding opportunities for your business? Take advantage of our free, no obligation Grants strategy session and learn what is available to you?

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Learn more about the Accorti approach to grants + incentives
Make time to talk with us today.

Risk Management Consultant

About this service

Risk management consultants regularly assess the risks affecting your business to reduce costs, unexpected surprises, and build confidence in your business.

Regularly assessing the risks affecting your business is vital but many business owners put risk management on the backburner. Not enough time, don’t want to think about it, or it’s simply too hard are all reasons for putting off a risk management assessment, but they’re not good reasons. Often left until it’s too late, effective risk management can reduce costs, limit the potential for unexpected surprises, and build confidence in your business decisions.

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Here’s how we can help with business risk management

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Completing financial due diligence

Have the peace of mind that you’ve done your business deal homework. We’ll check the financial, commercial, operational and strategic assumptions to give you confidence to ‘go’ or ‘no go’ the deal.

With our support you’ll have a better understanding of the critical issues which might affect the business after acquisition, giving you more certainty about your decision.

Have confidence you can stand by the financial and other information included in the memorandum, increasing the likelihood of sale success. This also reduces the need for additional vendor due diligence in the transaction process.

While it may not be possible to foresee every eventuality, we encourage our clients to take even preliminary steps towards more effective risk management in their business. Our experience shows preemptive planning and action is far more preferable than dealing with the aftermath of a high risk event.

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Would you like support to improve your approach to business risk management?
Let us help you solve that challenge.


About this service

Whether your business deals involve mergers, sales or acquisitions, we offer support by conducting due diligence on both the buy/sell side of the transaction. With experience in advising clients across diverse industries, the Accorti team can support you by conducting due diligence on both the buy and sell side of the transaction.

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Here’s how we can help with transactions

Mergers, sales and acquisitions

Completing financial due diligence

Have the peace of mind that you’ve done your business deal homework. We’ll check the financial, commercial, operational and strategic assumptions to give you confidence to ‘go’ or ‘no go’ the deal.

With our support you’ll have a better understanding of the critical issues which might affect the business after acquisition, giving you more certainty about your decision.

Working together with your team, we’ll develop a strategy for the business (or business unit) sale to realise the ideal outcome.

Have confidence you can stand by the financial and other information included in the memorandum, increasing the likelihood of sale success. This also reduces the need for additional vendor due diligence in the transaction process.

We can bring specialised industry knowledge to your business deal that may highlight potential issues or opportunities that could affect the merger, sale or acquisition.

With access to our finance network, we can work with you and the funding source to structure debt in the most ideal way to support the transaction. We can also assist finance negotiations, including restructuring of existing agreements with banks, and covenant breach and default advice.

There’s no need to approach refinancing on your own. The Accorti Accountants + Advisors team will support you by preparing finance documentation, assessing financier interest, and negotiations.

Navigating business deals is core business for us and we enjoy bringing our knowledge and experience to solve our clients’ challenges in this arena. With deep understanding of the construction, tourism, and property industries on the Gold Coast, we are strongly positioned to provide intelligent support to business owners wanting to evolve their business through mergers, sales or acquisitions.

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Thinking about your next transactions?
Let Accorti help you realise the value you deserve.

Budgeting & Forecasting

About this service

With the unpredictable nature of business, budgeting and forecasts, particularly for profit and loss and cash flow, are valuable financial management tools. For forecasts to be truly useful they must be grounded in reality and make sense.

Even early stage businesses can benefit from budgeting and forecasting. Assisting with projections, including the calculation of outcomes based on particular sensitivities such as cost increases or revenue decline, forecasting can help keep business on track.

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Here’s how we can help with business budgeting and forecasts

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Being an accountability partner

We can support you as a business advisor who’s part of your team. By checking in either formally at regular meetings or via a quick phone catch up we’ll support your business development in accordance with your strategic and business plans

Feel more in control and know where you stand with clear, balanced cash flow forecasts. Working with you, we’ll analyse potential opportunities or challenges which could arise.

Our team can produce valuable profit and loss forecasts that help you understand how your business is performing at different levels of trading. We can review these together at regular check ins by phone or in person.

Know what you can do financially with your business by following a clear budget for your fixed and variable expenses. We’ll help you analyse opportunities for reducing costs and highlight potential risks.

By benchmarking your business against other similar businesses we can make recommendations about where efficiencies can be improved, costs reduced, measure employee productivity, assess the impact of changes, and map a pathway for business growth.

Budgeting and forecasting are business management tools that bring greater rigour to the way you operate your business. They even help solve business challenges. As another layer of scaffolding that supports your business’ evolution, you’ll gain more confidence and certainty that you’re running the business, not the other way around.

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Want to understand more about the benefits of budgeting and forecasts?
Make time to talk with us today.

Strategic Planning for Business

About this service

Strategic planning with a business advisor is a valuable tool for business, regardless of where you are in the business lifecycle. From startup to sale, strategic planning for business can bring context and solutions to a variety of challenges. Instead of being overwhelmed or surprised by what arises in the broader market, such as regulation, shifting policies, and economic volatility, you can take pre-emptive actions that reduce the impact. Rather than being limited by access to funding or inadequate financial systems, you can implement measures before you’re boxed into a corner.

Most of us start businesses with a clear plan and as time goes on we get caught up in day-to-day operations, rarely raising our heads to look beyond the immediate problems. Strategic planning is a meaningful way to bring insights, purpose and a fresh perspective to how you can grow and evolve your business.

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Here’s how we can help with strategic planning

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Improving your business performance against key drivers and metrics

We can help clarify the critical drivers and key performance metrics that will help move you closer to your business goals and give your business a competitive edge. We’ll even be your accountability partner providing regular check-ins and management support.

With businesses transforming through digital possibilities, we’ll work with you to identify what’s relevant for you. Our exposure to diverse industries means we can bring leading practices that create advantages for you.

We help you bring life beyond your business to reality. With experience in succession and exit planning, as well as sales, mergers, and acquisitions, we can devise an approach that meets your financial and personal needs.

Working together, we’ll assess your overall business risk using quantitative (cost and price analysis, financial modelling) and qualitative factors (business analysis). Based on our analyses, we’ll make recommendations and assist with implementation, as much or as little, as required.

While there are general strategic planning tools which can be applied to most businesses, we assess each business on its individual needs. This approach guarantees we’re focused on your specific mission, vision and goals and helping you bring these to life in manageable, practical ways.

Looking for customised strategic planning advice? Why not get started with our free business analysis tool?

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Learn more about the Accorti approach to strategic planning
Let's solve your challenges together.
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You won’t find big desks and fancy suits in our offices. As Brisbane & Gold Coast accountants, we’re accessible, unpretentious, and pragmatic. We’re just as happy on a building site as we are negotiating finance with the big end of town.


You won’t find big desks and fancy suits in our offices. As Brisbane & Gold Coast accountants, we’re accessible, unpretentious, and pragmatic. We’re just as happy on a building site as we are negotiating finance with the big end of town.


You won’t find big desks and fancy suits in our offices. As Brisbane & Gold Coast accountants, we’re accessible, unpretentious, and pragmatic. We’re just as happy on a building site as we are negotiating finance with the big end of town.


You won’t find big desks and fancy suits in our offices. As Brisbane & Gold Coast accountants, we’re accessible, unpretentious, and pragmatic. We’re just as happy on a building site as we are negotiating finance with the big end of town.

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