Director Identification Number (DIN)

Apply For Your Directors Id

You now need a director identification number (DIN) if you’re a director of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

A director identification number (DIN) is a unique identifier you will keep forever. It will help to prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities and is now required by Law.

How director ID works

A director ID is a 15-digit identifier given to a director (or someone who intends to become a director) who has verified their identity with Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS).

Directors will only ever have one director ID. They’ll keep it forever even if they:

  • change companies
  • stop being a director
  • change their name
  • move interstate or overseas.

You must apply for your own director ID to verify your identity. No one can apply on your behalf.

Apply for your director ID

How to apply if you have a myGovID

If you have a myGovID or apply for a myGovID (different from a myGov account) follow the link and complete the steps to apply for your DIN.

Alternatively you can apply via phone:

  • If you currently live in Australia, call 13 62 50 to apply for a director ID.
  • If you’re calling from overseas, phone +61 2 6216 3440.

You’ll need:

  • your tax file number (TFN)
  • your residential address as held by the ATO
  • answers to 2 questions based on details we know about you
  • a primary and secondary Australian identify document.

As always feel free to reach out to our team with any questions or assistance you require.  Contact us now

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